
Quality & sustainability Made in Germany

All BILLY BOY latex condoms are made in compliance with high production standards in Zeven in northern Germany[1]. “Made in Germany” ensures a high level of confidence and strengthens the region, but in this case also stands for a reduced carbon footprint, for example, by eliminating import routes for finished goods. d

100% green electricity

MAPA GmbH, and therefore BILLY BOY, uses 100% green electricity from renewable energy sources at its production site in Zeven. This is sourced regionally from Zeven’s municipal utilities.

Vegan latex condoms

All BILLY BOY latex condoms are free of animal ingredients and therefore vegan. You can tell by our symbol on the pack.

Energy measures

MAPA GmbH modernised the heating system and also the windows in the office buildings in 2023. This has enabled us to save over one metric ton of CO2 and 5 million kWh of gas since the project began in 2021.*

*As of February 2024 asdf



The pollination of flowers is essential for a fully-functioning ecosystem. Therefore, a dedicated orchard of fruit trees on MAPA GmbH’s company premises provides space for bees to do their valuable work. Here, the endangered insects can continue their pollination undisturbed and thus contribute to the preservation of our diverse ecosystem.

We have planted trees

We have planted a tree for every purchase of BILLY BOY Green Love condoms. Resulting in more than 73,000 new mangrove trees in total. More information can be found here:

Forest & coastal protection in Rostock

We are supporting a regional project to protect the red alder forests and peatland meadows on the coast in Rostock. They store large amounts of CO2 and protect the coast from erosion. Sound interesting?

Energy management

With “Energy Management ISO 50 001” certification, MAPA GmbH, and therefore also the BILLY BOY brand, has committed itself to the efficient use of energy. Since its introduction in 2012, MAPA GmbH has been able to reduce its electricity consumption per machine hour by 11%[2]. This results in a saving of 1,806,284 kilowatt hours in one year. A 4-person household, for example, would get by on this for 451 years[3].

[1] Alle BILLY BOY® Kondome aus Naturkautschuklatex werden am Produktionsstandort der MAPA GmbH im norddeutschen Zeven produziert. Eine Ausnahme bilden BILLY BOY SKYN ® Kondome aus Polyisopren, die im Rahmen einer exklusiven Co-Branding Partnerschaft mit LifeStyles Healthcare Pte Ltd. bezogen werden. Zudem werden das BILLY BOY® Gleitgel und auch die Toys extern bezogen.

[2] Basierend auf den aktuellsten vorliegenden Daten von 2019 im Vergleich zu 2012.
[3] Für die Ermittlung des Wertes wurde wie folgt vorgegangen: Der durchschnittliche Stromverbrauch eines 4‑Personen-Haushalts beträgt im Jahr 4.000 kWh (Stromspiegel-Statistik 2020). Die von der MAPA eingesparte Menge von 1.806.284 kWh wurde durch die Jahres-Durchschnittsmenge dividiert.